Where Will It Be Extra Warm This Winter? New Predictions Are Out
Are you someone who loves the cold and snow or more of a warm weather person? Well, winter is on the way. Depending on where you live in the U.S.,…

Getty Images / AntonioGuillem
Getty Images / AntonioGuillemAre you someone who loves the cold and snow or more of a warm weather person? Well, winter is on the way. Depending on where you live in the U.S., you could be in for a very warm season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which runs National Weather Service (NWS), has released its latest forecast for the 2023-2024 winter season. So, where will it be extra warm this holiday season and beyond? Here's the skinny.
Looking at this winter in the United States, expect less snow and extreme cold weather, according to federal forecasters. The northern parts of the U.S. are expected to get warmer than normal, and the southern areas are in line to get wetter and more stormy conditions. This is due to a strong El Nino that will impact the winter weather in America from December to February.
"These outlooks provide critical guidance on the upcoming season for many industries and sectors of our economy, from energy producers to commodities markets to agricultural interests to tourism," said Sarah Kapnick, Ph.D., NOAA chief scientist. "With a strengthening El Nino and more potential climate extremes in an already record-breaking year, we're lucky to have scientists like those at the Climate Prediction Center helping to build a Weather and Climate-Ready Nation by providing critical operational seasonal climate predictions."
Warmer-than-normal temperatures are expected throughout the northern part of the U.S. and Far West. More areas with warmer-then-normal temperatures include the Midwest, Northeast, New England, Pacific Northwest and Alaska. No areas of the U.S. are expected to have colder-than-normal temperatures. The rest of the U.S. is expected to see an equal chance of above or below normal temperatures.
Wetter-than-average conditions are expected in some areas of the West, the south-central Rockies, the southern Plains, Gulf Coast, Southeast, lower mid-Atlantic and northern Alaska. Florida and Georgia are also looking at wet conditions. Meanwhile, while the Midwest and Northeast are expected to have lower-than-average amounts of precipitation. These predictions are for the holiday season and into 2024. Find the maps here.
A new relationship can be exciting. The possibilities are all ahead, and things seem perfect, at least for a while. This is the "honeymoon phase," where you don't see (or you ignore) all the little annoying things in your partner and feel totally infatuated. If you're lucky, that feeling lasts forever. Well, the holidays can be a difficult time for dating. So, what are some holiday dating do's and don'ts?
It really seems like people are more apt to want to get into a relationship during the holidays. It makes sense. Much of America gets cold during the holiday months, and cuddling with a significant other while watching movies and drinking hot cocoa or an adult beverage is a fun holiday activity. Also, the holidays are the time of year when you're most likely to see family and friends. If they're all hooked up with significant others, you might feel pressure to find someone, too.
Before we get into the light-hearted do's and don'ts, one serious don't is hooking up with the wrong person just to feel like you have someone during the holidays. Sure, you might feel lonely at the annual family gathering if everyone else has a date, but it's not worth dating someone who is totally wrong for you just to have arm candy at Christmas dinner. This really holds true all year, as often times, events pop up where you might think, "Hey, I would love a date for this." But, if it's the wrong person, just don't do it. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache in the end.
So, what are some holiday dating do's and don'ts? Read on for a festive list. These are especially true if you're in a new relationships, because the holidays can be brutal for new love. But, the holidays can also be beautiful for a budding romance. Reach out to us with your holiday dating stories, too.
Don't Move Too Fast
If you're started dating someone you really like, it might be temping to bring them to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. But, that could also freak them out. I remember going out with someone just once and getting invited to a holiday dinner. It made me a little uncomfortable, because even if I liked that person, it seemed like a big jump. So, if you do want to invite that new love to a holiday family event, make sure to talk it over with them and give them the option to say no.

This young couple is totally surprised by moving too fast.
Don't Go Crazy on Gifts If You're in a New Relationship
If you're in a newer relationship, resist the temptation to buy your new love too much for Christmas. "Oh, he's a Packers fan! I'm going to buy all the Packers gear I can find!" Just don't do it. It's okay to give gifts, but keep it small if you haven't been together long, or you might look insane.

This young woman is spending too much on her new love.
Do Give Small, Meaningful Gifts
If you're in a new relationship, you should get something for your new partner during the holidays. But, as mentioned above, don't overdo it. A small, meaningful gift will likely be welcomed during the holidays and not scare your new love away.

This small gift is perfect for the holidays.
Don't Freak Out If You Don't See Your New Love As Much During the Holidays
Maybe you're used to seeing your new love a few times a week. What if that's just once a week, or less, during the holidays? Don't freak out or start crying or anything. The holidays are a busy time for all, and that means schedules change.

This couple is fighting over missing dates over the holidays.
Do Be on Good Behavior at Holiday Parties with Your New Love
You might get invited to some fun holiday parties or work parties by your new love, and you might want to invite them to yours. That's fine and much less pressure than a family event. But, be on good behavior. Don't try to be the life of the party or anything, as you might mortify your date. Sometimes, people like to overdo it in the early stages and try to really impress, but you really just need to be yourself when meeting new friends and chill out a bit.

This couple is enjoying themselves at a holiday party.