Mike Cohen goes Kart Racing at Supercharged Entertainment in Edison
Joel Katz and Mike Cohen At Supercharged Entertainment from Beasley Media Group on Vimeo.
It is a Saturday night; you are trying to think of something to do for fun for all. You want to keep the children happy, but you also want a place where you can have fun at the same time, and if you are hungry or want a drink that I have the answer for you.
Supercharge Entertainment of Edison. This place has a little bit of it all, it has olde time and new age video games of all types. From Virtual reality games to classic arcade games, from the 80’s, they are always changing them to keep with the interest of the guest. They have air hockey games, and free throw toss games, that could keep anybody content for hours. If you are into Axe throwing, you can rent one of the 15 courts, and get your frustrations out in a controlled environment with all the various Axe throwing games at the touch of your fingertips. The big highlight for me is the 2 different types of Kart Racing Tracks. One is considered for beginner or novice, and top speed there is 20 mph, the other course has more turns and is for those who like speed, you can get up to 45 mph.
So does this place sound like it too good to be true, well it’s not , it’s exactly how I describe it and more, so go on their website https://www.superchargede.com/edison and you can see all about it and more.
See you there. ~Jack Myatt